Neutral Grounding
Purcee Industrial Power is pleased to offer the MegaResistors brand of Neutral Grounding Resistors

- Up to 5,000 amperes and up to 115,000 volts line to neutral.
- Galvanized steel or satin coated steel enclosures phosphatized and powder coated.
- Optional stainless steel and aluminum enclosures.
- Stainless steel nuts and bolts.
- Stainless steel and tin plated cooper connectors and internal connections for positive contact and reduced oxidation.
- Indoor or indoor-outdoor service with ventilated or non-ventilated top and sides.
- Removable top or side covers and optional side or front doors.
- Solid or perforated bottom for protection against the entrance of rodents, birds or accidental contact by personnel.
- Wire-wound, Edge-wound and Stamped Grid stainless steel resistive elements without paralleling up to 800 amps.
- Double insulation to ground.
- Designed to absorb thermal expansions and contractions.
- High-temperature mica, ceramic and synthetic insulators.
- Standard bushings and insulators for easy replacement in case of damage.
- Optional entrance and exit bushings located according to customer’s needs.
- Optional current transformers, voltage transformers and relays for fault detection, mounted inside the enclosure with optional external terminal box.
- Optional Step-down and Zig-zag transformers.
- Optional enclosure heaters, thermostats and temperature relays.
- Manual, test report and optional CSA code special inspection and blue label.
- Optional aluminum, stainless steel and lamacoid nameplates and tags.
- Designed, manufactured and tested according to IEEE, IEC, NEMA and CSA standards.
- 24 month guarantee.